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If you're experiencing a problem with StartDefrag, please fill out and submit the following problem report form. You may also want to check out the list of known problems.

If what you want to make a suggestion or a request for enhancement, please use the suggestion form instead.

Problem Report Form

When you submit your bug report, it will be entered into a database for tracking purposes. It will be associated with the account name under which you accessed this web.   Notices will be posted periodically regarding bugs reported by customers in the Known Problems section of this page, and tips or workarounds on the FAQ page.

Please be as specific as possible when describing the problem.

  1. What version of the software are you using?

  2. Are you a registered user?

  3. What operating system are you using?

  4. Please enter a brief one-line description of the problem:

    (example: "Editor doesn't respond to up-arrow under image")

  5. If the problem is reproducible, please list the steps required to cause it,
    leaving a blank line between steps:

    (example: "1. Create a new file. 2. Insert some text ...")

    If the problem is not reproducible (only happened once, or occasionally for no apparent reason), please describe the circumstances in which it occurred and the symptoms observed:

    (note: it is much harder for us to fix non-reproducible bugs)

  6. If the problem causes any error messages to appear, please write down the exact text displayed and enter it here:

  7. Please provide the following contact information:
    E-mail:   (required)
    Please do not send SPAM over this page. It is not posted anywhere! 
    	a. I have your IP address and will file a complaint with your ISP and whatever you are trying to advertise.
     	b. You must enter a valid email address above, or your submission will not be delivered.
    	c. You must enter the 5 digits at the end of this sentence, indicating that you agree 47034.	
Press the Submit button once and wait for the confirmation screen.

You may need to be contacted for more information, such as if trouble arises reproducing the problem described.

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Known Problems

The following is a list of some known problems with StartDefrag; work is underway to correct them for the next release.

  • None reported .
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StartDefrag is a trademark of Kevin Gearhart. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to the author via the problems page.
Copyright © 1998-2006 Kevin Gearhart. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Friday August 10, 2007.
Privacy Policy