| Welcome to the official fileWATCH homepage. The purpose of this web is to enhance the support services provided to customers. A number of resources are provided here to help you resolve problems, report bugs, and suggest improvements to product and service. Please click on the Register link to learn about license types, fees, and how to register your copy. All licenses, including small business, site, and world-wide, are currently on sale for 50% off! Buy Now Solution: fileWATCH file monitor and registry monitor detects changes to a system using saved catalog files. As an installation monitor, fileWATCH will detect exactly what files are added or altered in addition to detecting changes to the Windows registry. The file monitor and registry monitor features of fileWATCH detect and report complete system changes over any period of time, allowing for extensive system debugging and trouble shooting. Key features:
System requirements: fileWATCH is a 32-bit application for the Windows (9x, Me, NT, 2000, XP, 2003, etc.) platform. Awards and Comments: Click the provided images to read the reviews.
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